TŽrminos y Condiciones Recarga Internacional Movistar


Generales Mi Movistar

Por favor, lea los TŽrminos y Condiciones Generales (en adelante, los "TŽrminos y Condiciones") que se describen a continuaci—n. Estos se aplicar‡n para la navegaci—n del Sitio de Internet www.recargas.movistar.com y la App Recarga Internacional Movistar (en adelante, el "los Canales Digitales") y los servicios ofrecidos en Žl.


Aceptaci—n y conocimiento de los TŽrminos y Condiciones

Los presentes TŽrminos y Condiciones tienen car‡cter obligatorio y vinculante. Se aplican a todas las actividades realizadas mediante los Canales Digitales. El uso de los Canales Digitales implica el conocimiento y la aceptaci—n de ellos. Si usted no est‡ de acuerdo con los TŽrminos y Condiciones, deber‡ abstenerse de utilizar los Canales Digitales y/o los servicios por ellos ofrecidos.

A los efectos del presente TŽrminos y Condiciones, se entiende por "Cliente" al usuario de los Canales Digitales propiedad de Telefonica LatinoamŽrica Holding S.L.U. (en adelante "TLH"), que utilice los Canales Digitales.



Los Clientes deber‡n estar registrados para poder hacer uso de los Canales Digitales.

La registraci—n de los Usuarios se realiza ingresando a los Canales Digitales, y no tiene costo alguno.

Es obligatorio completar el formulario en todos los campos con datos v‡lidos y verdaderos, de manera exacta y precisa. Para un correcto funcionamiento del sistema, es necesario que los Clientes mantengan sus datos actualizados. Telefonica LatinoamŽrica Holding S.L.U. podr‡ proceder a verificar la identidad del Cliente y/o de los datos consignados por Žste.

Telefonica LatinoamŽrica Holding S.L.U. no se responsabiliza por la veracidad o certeza de los datos provistos por los Clientes. Asimismo, Telefonica LatinoamŽrica Holding S.L.U. se reserva el derecho de suspender temporal o definitivamente a los Clientes en caso de incumplimiento de los TŽrminos y Condiciones, como as’ tambiŽn de rechazar solicitudes.

Los Clientes podr‡n acceder a su Cuenta Personal (la "Cuenta") mediante su direcci—n de correo electr—nico y una clave de acceso, y/o mediante su cuenta de Facebook. En caso de que estos datos sean olvidados por el Cliente, TLH cuenta con un servicio de ayuda para recuperarlos. Para esto se deber‡ seleccionar la opci—n "ÀOlvidaste tu contrase–a? Restablecer ahora" y seguir los pasos detallados. Al finalizar, el sistema le enviar‡ de manera confidencial a esa cuenta la opci—n para restablecer la clave de acceso.

As’ como TLH se compromete a mantener la confidencialidad de los datos aportados por los Clientes para su registro, los Clientes se comprometen a mantener la confidencialidad de su clave de acceso. De conformidad con lo expresado en el p‡rrafo anterior, los Clientes son responsables del uso que se haga de su clave y deber‡n tener presente que si otras personas tienen o pueden tener en el futuro acceso a su telŽfono m—vil, Žstas tambiŽn podr’an solicitar su clave de acceso. Es obligaci—n exclusiva del Cliente tomar las medidas pertinentes para que esto no suceda. El Cliente se compromete a notificar inmediatamente y de manera fehaciente a TLH cualquier uso no autorizado de su Cuenta de Usuario, y a mantenerlo indemne en el caso de que se esto produzca algœn da–o a TLH y/o a terceros.


Comunicaci—n con los Clientes

Por el solo hecho de registrarse en los Canales Digitales y aceptar electr—nicamente cuando se lo soliciten los Canales Digitales, los Clientes aceptan que TLH tiene derecho a comunicarse con ellos por los Canales Digitales, telef—nicamente, por correo electr—nico y/o SMS y enviar informaci—n que la Empresa considere, a su exclusivo criterio, que pueda ser de su interŽs, incluyendo publicidad e informaci—n sobre ofertas y promociones as’ como otro tipo de informaci—n que TLH considere enviar al Cliente.

En caso de que los Clientes no deseen obtener informaci—n comercial, y/o recibir alertas por correo electr—nico o SMS podr‡n manifest‡rselo fehacientemente a TLH, quien proceder‡ a interrumpir este tipo de comunicaciones en el menor tiempo que le sea posible.

El Cliente tiene la facultad de darse de baja a cualquiera de los servicios prestados a travŽs de los Canales Digitales por los mismos medios por los cuales se adhiri—.



Para utilizar los servicios de los Canales Digitales se requiere tener capacidad legal para contratar. No podr‡n acceder a los servicios quienes carezcan de ella, los que hayan sido suspendidos o inhabilitados, ni los menores de edad. Los padres, tutores o responsables de los menores de edad o incapaces que utilicen los Canales Digitales ser‡n responsables por dicho uso, incluyendo cualquier cargo, facturaci—n o da–o que se derive de Žl.


Env’o de recargas

Para enviar recargas, usted acepta cumplir y llevar a cabo las disposiciones establecidas en esta secci—n.

Se le pedir‡ el nœmero de telŽfono m—vil al que va a realizar la recarga y donde se acreditar‡ el saldo enviado. Es responsabilidad del cliente asegurarse de introducir correctamente el nœmero de telŽfono m—vil a recargar. Luego, el Cliente deber‡ seleccionar el valor que desea recargar al nœmero de telŽfono m—vil que seleccionado o digitado.

Antes de finalizar la compra aparecer‡ el costo tal de la recarga. Si se ha aplicado una tasa de tipo de cambio, el monto final recargado podr’a sufrir una peque–a alteraci—n debido a que la tasa aplicada podr’a tener una ligera variaci—n en el momento de la liquidaci—n.

El monto total a recargar (incluyendo cualquier cargo aplicable) que el Cliente deber‡ pagar se ense–ar‡ de manera clara en los Canales Digitales antes de que el Cliente confirme la compra. Esta confirmaci—n por parte del Cliente es completamente opcional.

La recarga ser‡ enviada inmediatamente al nœmero de telŽfono m—vil indicado por el Cliente tras el pago exitoso de la misma. Ocasionalmente, puede haber un breve retraso antes de que el operador m—vil aplique la recarga al nœmero de telŽfono m—vil indicado. TLH enviar‡ un email de confirmaci—n que contiene detalles de la recarga enviada tan pronto como se haya completado con Žxito la transacci—n. El Cliente est‡ de acuerdo con que TLH s—lo actœa sobre la autorizaci—n de cliente para enviar recarga y el operador m—vil correspondiente ser‡ responsable ante Cliente y el destinatario de la recarga para la provisi—n de servicios m—viles relacionados con la recarga. Una vez que la recarga es enviada a un nœmero de telŽfono m—vil, puede ser utilizado inmediatamente por lo tanto no puede ser devuelta o eliminada. Para evitar este tipo de errores, TLH pide al Cliente confirmar que el nœmero de telŽfono m—vil que ha introducido es correcto.

El Cliente reconoce que perder‡ el derecho a cancelar la recarga una vez que la misma se haya realizado completamente. Por consiguiente, el Cliente no tendr‡ derecho a solicitar un reembolso bajo las regulaciones de la Uni—n Europea (informaci—n al consumidor, cancelaci—n y otros derechos) Regulaciones 2013. Por favor, tener en cuenta que los Canales Digitales pueden limitar la cantidad de recargas que pueden ser realizadas o el valor m‡ximo acumulado de recarga en un periodo espec’fico de tiempo (ej. diario, semanal, mensual). Otras limitaciones y exclusiones relacionadas con el uso de los Canales Digitales pueden ser aplicables. Se notificar‡ al cliente a travŽs de los Canales Digitales o por correo electr—nico de estas limitaciones adicionales.



Modificaci—n de los TŽrminos y Condiciones

Los TŽrminos y Condiciones podr‡n ser sustituidos o sufrir modificaciones en cualquier momento y a exclusivo criterio de TLH, y no se requerir‡ a los Clientes su consentimiento. Para las transacciones en curso que hayan comenzado con anterioridad a dichas modificaciones, subsistir‡n las condiciones vigentes al momento de su concertaci—n, a menos que las nuevas modificaciones introducidas fueran m‡s convenientes para los Clientes.



Interrupci—n del Servicio - Exclusi—n de responsabilidad.

TLH se reserva el derecho de interrumpir, suspender o modificar en cualquier momento los servicios ofrecidos en los Canales Digitales, ya sea en forma permanente o transitoria. No se requerir‡ la conformidad de los Clientes, ni ser‡ necesario aviso previo alguno.

Asimismo, TLH no garantiza el acceso o uso permanente de los Canales Digitales, ya que Žste podr’a interrumpirse por cuestiones tŽcnicas ajenas a TLH.

No obstante lo mencionado anteriormente, si la suspensi—n o interrupci—n mencionada no obedeciere a razones de fuerza mayor o caso fortuito, TLH se compromete a cumplir las prestaciones que estuvieran pendientes al momento de la suspensi—n o interrupci—n.

TLH no se responsabiliza por cualquier da–o que pueda producirse en los equipos inform‡ticos  y/o electr—nicos de los Clientes o de terceros como consecuencia de la navegaci—n en los Canales Digitales.


Uso de la informaci—n y confidencialidad

Sujeto a los tŽrminos de la pol’tica de privacidad, y excepto en los casos en que dicha divulgaci—n sea exigida por ley o de conformidad con una directiva o solicitud emitida por un regulador financiero u autoridad regulatoria u obligatoria competente, garantizamos que solo TLH, nuestros agentes o compa–’as que estŽn bajo nuestro control tendremos acceso a los datos personales confidenciales relacionados con este contrato y que procesaremos o utilizaremos esos datos para prop—sitos que sean compatibles con el cumplimiento de nuestra obligaci—n hacia usted segœn el contrato.

El Cliente garantiza que toda la informaci—n que obtenga de TLH relacionada con nuestras operaciones, servicios, software, hardware y sistemas relacionados con este contrato ser‡ tratada de manera estrictamente confidencial y que no revelar‡ esta informaci—n a terceros a menos que ya sea de dominio pœblico.


Veracidad de la Informaci—n suministrada

En caso de que la informaci—n o los datos suministrados por el Cliente no sean verdaderos, Žste ser‡ responsable por los da–os que este hecho pudiera ocasionar.


Sugerencias y comentarios

Todas las sugerencias y comentarios que realice el Cliente podr‡n ser tenidos en cuenta, implementados o adaptados por TLH sin que ello genere derecho alguno a favor de tal Cliente.



Los Canales Digitales pueden utilizar un sistema de seguimiento mediante "cookies", para que el acceso a la informaci—n, al pasar de p‡gina en p‡gina, se realice con mayor rapidez. TambiŽn ayuda en algunos casos a identificar a los Clientes, sin necesidad de solicitarles la clave de acceso una y otra vez.

Estas cookies son peque–os archivos que env’a la p‡gina visitada y se alojan en el disco duro del ordenador, ocupando poco espacio.

Se hace saber a los Clientes que utilizando las opciones de su navegador podr‡n limitar o restringir segœn su voluntad el alojamiento de estas "cookies", aunque es desaconsejable restringirlas totalmente.

El sistema podr‡ recoger informaci—n sobre sus preferencias e intereses. En el caso de que esto ocurra, la informaci—n ser‡ utilizada exclusivamente con fines estad’sticos para mejorar los servicios que se prestan en los Canales Digitales TLH aplicar‡, en la mayor medida en que sea posible, procedimientos de disociaci—n de la informaci—n de modo que los titulares de los datos sean inidentificables.


Disponibilidad y precio de los productos y/o servicios ofrecidos

Antes de comprar, el Cliente deber‡ tener en cuenta que los productos y/o servicios seleccionados pueden no encontrarse en stock. Toda compra se encuentra sujeta a disponibilidad tŽcnica y/o geogr‡fica.


Pago con tarjeta de crŽdito

Los pagos podr‡n ser realizados on-line mediante tarjetas de crŽdito y dŽbito.


Servicios e informaci—n de terceros

El servicio de recargas en los Canales Digitales est‡ siendo proporcionado por Juvo Mobile Inc.  o en su caso (ÒJuvoÓ). Para obtener mayor informaci—n sobre Juvo por favor hacer clic en el siguiente enlace www.juvo.com

Cuando realices una recarga en d—lares con tu tarjeta de crŽdito o dŽbito emitida en Estados Unidos, tu pago ser‡ procesado por Juvo Mobile Inc que se encuentra situada en 98 Battery Street, suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94111. Toda la correspondencia en relaci—n con Juvo debe ser enviada a esa direcci—n o v’a email a support@recargasmovistar.zendesk.com.

Por favor tomar en cuenta que algunos bancos emisores pueden cobrar un cargo adicional para el procesamiento de pagos para las transacciones realizadas en l’nea. Estos cargos adicionales no est‡n establecidos o aplicados por TLH o Juvo y el Cliente es el œnico responsable del pago de dichas tasas. El Cliente puede consultar con su banco para determinar si las tarifas son aplicables a esta transacci—n.

TLH no controla si la informaci—n de terceros es precisa y est‡ completa, ni tampoco controla la calidad de los productos y servicios de terceros. El Cliente debe hacer sus propias consultas directamente al tercero proveedor correspondiente antes de aceptar la informaci—n del tercero o de realizar una transacci—n relacionada con los productos y servicios del tercero al que se hace referencia en el sitio web.



Se les proh’be terminantemente a los Clientes: a) enviar archivos o cualquier tipo de informaci—n cuyo contenido sea ilegal, obsceno, abusivo, difamatorio, injurioso o contrario a las buenas costumbres (la presente enumeraci—n es meramente ejemplificativa); b) enviar archivos que contengan virus o cualquier otra caracter’stica capaz de da–ar el funcionamiento de una computadora, de los Canales Digitales o del sistema; c) utilizar los Canales Digitales para violar cualquier tipo de norma vigente; d) consignar datos falsos al momento de registrarse o realizar una compra, o cualquier otro momento en que les sea requerida cualquier tipo de informaci—n o datos personales; e) usar programas, software o aparatos autom‡ticos o manuales para monitorear o copiar la informaci—n o cualquier tipo de contenido de los Canales Digitales sin previo consentimiento de TLH.



TLH no se hace responsable por la veracidad de la informaci—n incorporada a los Canales Digitales por terceros. Tampoco se hace responsable en cuanto haya sido reproducida o comunicada directamente por los Clientes de los Canales Digitales sin verificaci—n por parte de TLH.

Si algœn Cliente se viera afectado por la informaci—n a la que se alude en el p‡rrafo anterior, deber‡ comunic‡rselo a TLH, por mail, a fin de que se proceda a la supresi—n de la misma.


Derechos reservados. Propiedad Intelectual

Todos los derechos de los Canales Digitales est‡n reservados y corresponden a TLH.

El contenido de los Canales Digitales, incluyendo aunque no limitado al texto, logos, gr‡ficos, y todo el dise–o en general, as’ como su base de datos y software, es de propiedad de TLH o tiene derecho a usarlo en virtud de licencias de uso otorgadas y se encuentra protegido por las legislaci—n nacional e internacional vigente sobre propiedad intelectual.

Si el Cliente considera que en los Canales Digitales se viola o atenta de algœn modo contra derechos de propiedad intelectual de terceros deber‡ notificarlo a TLH en la direcci—n indicada en los presentes TŽrminos y Condiciones Generales, acompa–ando toda la informaci—n y documentaci—n necesaria que respalde la mencionada consideraci—n.


Raz—n social y domicilio

La raz—n social de la empresa es TELEFîNICA LATINOAMERICA HOLDING S.L.U., con domicilio en Ronda de la Comunicaci—n s/n Distrito C Edificio Central planta 3, Madrid, Espa–a. CIF N¼ B86584992.



Todas las notificaciones y/o comunicaciones que deban efectuarse por el uso de los Canales Digitales bajo estos TŽrminos y Condiciones Generales, podr‡n realizarse: (i) al Cliente: mediante correo electr—nico, a la cuenta de correo consignada por Žste, o por carta documento, al domicilio declarado en el formulario de registraci—n; por SMS al nœmero celular consignado por el Cliente, (ii) a TLH: a su domicilio legal indicado en el punto anterior (Ronda de la Comunicaci—n s/n Distrito C Edificio Central planta 3, Madrid, Espa–a).


 Avisos publicitarios y links

Cuando el Cliente hace "click" en avisos publicitarios o links de terceros e ingresa en otros sitios que no pertenecen a TLH, estar‡ sujeto a los tŽrminos y condiciones de dichos sitios. El Cliente deber‡ leer detenidamente sus pol’ticas de acceso y uso.

TLH no garantiza la legalidad, actualidad, calidad ni utilidad de los contenidos, operaciones e informaciones que se comuniquen, reproduzcan y/o realicen en sitios enlazados de terceros ni la ausencia de nocividad de tales contenidos o servicios, por lo que el Cliente exime de toda responsabilidad a TLH por los contenidos incluidos en los referidos sitios o los servicios que en ellos se brindan o promocionan.


Jurisdicci—n y Ley aplicable

Los presentes TŽrminos y Condiciones se encuentran regidos sin excepci—n y en todos sus puntos por las leyes de Espa–a y ser‡n interpretados de acuerdo a ellas.


Pol’tica de Privacidad

Esta Pol’tica de Privacidad describe las pr‡cticas de recopilaci—n y uso de informaci—n de Juvo Mobile Inc. (en adelante, "Juvo", "nosotros" o "nuestro"). Juvo recopila informaci—n sobre usted cuando usted solicita o se registra en una cuenta Juvo ("Cuenta Juvo"), accede o usa aplicaciones web o m—viles ofrecidas por Juvo ("Juvo Apps") o aplicaciones web o m—viles que utilizan nuestra tecnolog’a y que son ofrecidas por terceros ("Aplicaciones de Terceros"); o cuando de cualquier otra manera interactœa con nosotros (colectivamente, "Servicios"). Al utilizar los Servicios, usted acepta nuestra recopilaci—n, uso, divulgaci—n y retenci—n de su informaci—n como se describe aqu’.


Revisiones a esta Pol’tica de Privacidad

Cualquier informaci—n que recopilamos a travŽs de los Servicios est‡ cubierta por nuestra Pol’tica de Privacidad vigente en el momento en que dicha informaci—n es recopilada. Podemos revisar esta Pol’tica de privacidad de cuando en cuando. Si realizamos cambios significativos a esta Pol’tica de Privacidad, le notificaremos de esos cambios public‡ndolos en esta p‡gina o envi‡ndole un correo electr—nico u otra notificaci—n y actualizaremos la fecha de "òltima Actualizaci—n" para indicar cuando tendran vigencia esos cambios.

Recopilaci—n de informaci—n

Recopilamos informaci—n de y sobre los usuarios de los Servicios de las siguientes maneras:

á       directamente de usted cuando utilice su cuenta Juvo o una aplicaci—n Juvo;

á       de las partes que ofrecen Aplicaciones de Terceros y otras partes que utilizan la tecnolog’a y los servicios de Juvo;

á       autom‡ticamente cuando utilice los Servicios;

á       y de su proveedor de servicios m—viles.

Los Servicios pueden ser utilizados por su proveedor de servicios m—viles en relaci—n con sus productos y servicios. Como resultado, la informaci—n sobre usted puede proporcionarse a travŽs de los Servicios de varias fuentes diferentes - directamente de usted y de su proveedor de servicios m—viles o de las partes que utilizan nuestra tecnolog’a y servicios, incluso para sus Aplicaciones de Terceros. Esta Pol’tica de Privacidad no se aplica a las pr‡cticas de recopilaci—n y uso de informaci—n de su proveedor de servicios m—viles ni a las partes que utilizan nuestra tecnolog’a y nuestros servicios. Dichas pr‡cticas de recopilaci—n y uso son independientes de nuestra recopilaci—n y uso de informaci—n a travŽs de Apps de Juvo, Aplicaciones de Terceros o de otra manera.

Informaci—n que usted nos proporciona directamente

Recopilamos la informaci—n que usted env’a a travŽs de los Servicios, incluida la informaci—n que proporciona al crear una cuenta de Juvo o al descargar, instalar o usar una aplicaci—n de Juvo.

Informaci—n de la cuenta. Para poder utilizar algunos de los Servicios, es posible que deba crear una cuenta Juvo. Cuando crea una cuenta de Juvo, recopilaremos informaci—n personal que pueda ser utilizada para identificarle, como su nombre, direcci—n de correo electr—nico, direcci—n postal, una copia de su tarjeta de identidad nacional, informaci—n de cuenta bancaria, informaci—n de tarjeta de crŽdito y nœmero de telŽfono ("PII"). Si crea una cuenta de Juvo, tambiŽn podemos registrar su sexo o gŽnero, fecha de nacimiento, direcci—n IP, datos de ubicaci—n, contactos de Facebook y otra informaci—n que no es considerada PII porque no podr’a ser utilizada por s’ misma para identificarle a usted.

Otra informaci—n. Recopilamos informaci—n que proporciona al descargar, usar o instalar una aplicaci—n Juvo y cuando usa su cuenta Juvo para realizar transacciones de pago usando los Servicios, participa en promociones ofrecidas por Juvo o nuestros socios, responde a encuestas disponibles en los Servicios, o cse comunica con nosotros.

Informaci—n que Nosotros Recopilamos Autom‡ticamente Mediante el Uso de los Servicios de tecnolog’a. Recopilamos informaci—n sobre usted de diferentes maneras cuando usa los Servicios. Informaci—n recopilada mediante Cookies y otras tecnolog’as web. Utilizamos herramientas automatizadas de recopilaci—n de datos como Cookies y Web Beacons para recopilar cierta informaci—n.

"Cookies" son peque–os archivos de texto que se colocan en su dispositivo por un servidor Web cuando accede a nuestros Servicios. Podemos utilizar Cookies de sesi—n y Cookies persistentes para identificar que ha iniciado sesi—n en los Servicios y para decirnos c—mo y cu‡ndo interactœa con nuestros Servicios. TambiŽn podemos usar Cookies para supervisar el uso agregado y el enrutamiento de tr‡fico web en nuestros Servicios y para personalizar y mejorar nuestros Servicios. A diferencia de las Cookies persistentes, las Cookies de sesi—n se eliminan al cerrar la sesi—n de los Servicios y cerrar el navegador. Aunque la mayor’a de los navegadores aceptan Cookies de forma autom‡tica, puede cambiar las opciones de su navegador para que deje de aceptar Cookies autom‡ticamente o para avisarle antes de aceptar Cookies. Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que si no acepta Cookies, es posible que no pueda acceder a todas las partes o caracter’sticas de los Servicios. Algunos proveedores de servicios de terceros que contratamos (incluidos terceros anunciadores) tambiŽn pueden colocar sus propias Cookies en su dispositivo. Tenga en cuenta que esta Pol’tica de Privacidad s—lo cubre nuestro uso de Cookies y no incluye el uso de Cookies por dichos terceros. Los

"Web Beacons" (tambiŽn conocidos como Web bugs, pixel tags o GIFs claros) son peque–os gr‡ficos con un identificador œnico que puede incluirse en nuestros Servicios para varios prop—sitos, incluyendo entregar o comunicarse con Cookies, rastrear y medir el desempe–o de nuestros Servicios, para monitorear cuantos visitantes miran nuestros servicios y para monitorear la efectividad de nuestra publicidad. A diferencia de las Cookies, que se almacenan en el dispositivo del usuario, los Web Beacons suelen estar incrustados de forma invisible en las p‡ginas web (o en un correo electr—nico).

Uso de la informaci—n. Nuestros servidores registran autom‡ticamente cierta informaci—n sobre c—mo una persona utiliza los Servicios (nos referimos a esta informaci—n como "Datos de Registro"). Los Datos de Registro pueden incluir informaci—n como la direcci—n IP, el tipo de navegador, el sistema operativo, la p‡gina web que visit— antes de acceder a los servicios, las caracter’sticas de los Servicios que utiliz— o naveg— y el tiempo dedicado a esas funciones. TŽrminos de bœsqueda, los enlaces en los Servicios en los que ha hecho clic y otras estad’sticas. Utilizamos Datos de Registro para administrar los Servicios y analizamos (y podemos involucrar a terceros para analizar) Datos de Registro para mejorar, personalizar y mejorar nuestros Servicios, ampliando sus caracter’sticas y funcionalidad y adapt‡ndolos a las necesidades y preferencias de los usuarios de los Servicios.

Informaci—n de su aparato. Recopilamos cierta informaci—n que su dispositivo m—vil env’a cuando utiliza los Servicios, como un identificador de dispositivo, la configuraci—n del usuario y el sistema operativo de su aparato, as’ como informaci—n sobre su uso de nuestros Servicios.

Informaci—n sobre ubicaci—n. Cuando utiliza los Servicios, podemos recopilar y almacenar informaci—n sobre su ubicaci—n convirtiendo su direcci—n IP en una geolocalizaci—n en bruto o accediendo a las coordenadas GPS de su aparato m—vil o su ubicaci—n aproximada si habilita los servicios de ubicaci—n en su dispositivo. Podemos utilizar la informaci—n de ubicaci—n para mejorar y personalizar los Servicios para usted. Si no desea que recopilemos informaci—n de su ubicaci—n, puede inhabilitarla en su dispositivo m—vil.

Informaci—n que obtenemos de terceros

Cuando utilice los Servicios, es posible que se le solicite proporcionar informaci—n a terceros y estas partes pueden utilizar tecnolog’as autom‡ticas de recopilaci—n de informaci—n para recopilar informaci—n sobre usted o su dispositivo. Estos terceros pueden incluir:

á       proveedores de Aplicaciones de Terceros; el fabricante de su dispositivo m—vil;

á       su proveedor de servicios m—viles;

á       y proveedores de servicios de pago.

Esta informaci—n se proporciona a estos Terceros de conformidad con su acuerdo con ellos y / o sus pol’ticas de privacidad aplicables. En la medida permitida por su acuerdo con el Tercero aplicable, estos Terceros pueden compartir cierta informaci—n sobre usted con nosotros.

Estos Terceros pueden utilizar tecnolog’as de seguimiento para recopilar informaci—n sobre usted cuando utilice los Servicios. La informaci—n que recopilan puede estar asociada con su informaci—n personal o puede recopilar informaci—n, incluyendo PII, acerca de sus actividades en l’nea en el tiempo y en diferentes sitios web, aplicaciones y otros sitios web de servicios en l’nea. Pueden utilizar esta informaci—n para proporcionarle publicidad basada en intereses espec’ficos (conductual) u otro contenido dirigido.

Estos Terceros o su uso de tecnolog’as de seguimiento no son controlados por nosotros. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre un anuncio u otro contenido espec’fico, debe ponerse en contacto directamente con el proveedor responsable.

Informaci—n de otras fuentes

TambiŽn recopilamos informaci—n sobre usted de Terceros, incluyendo fuentes disponibles pœblicamente para administrar su uso de los Servicios (incluyendo su Cuenta Juvo o Aplicaci—n Juvo), y para permitirle disfrutar y navegar f‡cilmente por los Servicios. Al utilizar los Servicios, usted autoriza y consiente que obtengamos de y divulguemos a Terceros cualquier informaci—n relacionada con usted en relaci—n con cualquier procedimiento de detecci—n de fraude, el servicio de cuentas de terceros o segœn lo requiera la ley aplicable.


C—mo utilizamos la informaci—n proporcionada a nosotros

Utilizamos informaci—n sobre usted o que usted nos proporciona, incluyendo PII, para:

á       proporcionarle los Servicios y cualquier otra informaci—n, productos o servicios que usted nos solicite;

á       cumplir cualquier otro prop—sito para el cual usted lo proporcione, incluyendo procesar o registrar transacciones de pago;

á       proporcionar servicios a su proveedor de servicios m—viles o a las partes que utilicen nuestra tecnolog’a y servicios, incluyendo para sus Aplicaciones de Terceros;

á       mantener y mejorar los Servicios, incluyendo el darle avisos sobre los Servicios o su Cuenta Juvo;

á       cumplir con nuestras obligaciones y hacer valer nuestros derechos derivados de cualquier contrato celebrado entre usted y nosotros, incluso para facturaci—n y cobro; notificar si hay actualizaciones o cambios en los Servicios disponibles;

á       y para cualquier otro prop—sito divulgado a usted en relaci—n con los Servicios.

TambiŽn podemos utilizar informaci—n sobre usted para enviarle informaci—n, o para realizar encuestas y recopilar comentarios sobre nuestros Servicios y para comunicarnos con usted sobre productos, servicios, concursos, promociones, descuentos, incentivos y recompensas ofrecidos por nosotros y nuestros socios, basado en sus preferencias de comunicaci—n y la ley aplicable.

La informaci—n de uso que recopilamos ayuda a mejorar nuestros Servicios y a ofrecer una experiencia mejor y m‡s personalizada al permitirnos:

á       estimar el tama–o de nuestra audiencia y los patrones de uso;

á       almacenar informaci—n sobre sus preferencias, permitiŽndonos personalizar los Servicios de acuerdo con sus intereses individuales;

á       acelerar sus bœsquedas;

á       y darle reconocimiento cuando utilice los Servicios.

Informaci—n que compartimos con terceros

Podemos compartir la informaci—n que hemos recopilado de usted o sobre usted como se describe a continuaci—n:

Informaci—n compartida con nuestros proveedores de Servicios. Podemos compartir informaci—n sobre usted, incluyendo PII, con terceros para proporcionar, mantener y mejorar los Servicios, incluidos los proveedores de servicios que tienen acceso a informaci—n sobre usted para suministrar servicios en nuestro nombre, as’ como instituciones financieras, redes de pago, asociaciones de tarjetas de pago, y otras partes en relaci—n con el proceso de pago.

Informaci—n compartida con terceros. Podemos compartir informaci—n, incluyendo PII, con terceros que realizan campa–as publicitarias, concursos, ofertas especiales o actividades relacionadas con los Servicios. TambiŽn podemos compartir informaci—n sobre usted con los proveedores de las Aplicaciones de Terceros que utiliza. Adem‡s, podemos compartir informaci—n agregada e informaci—n no identificable con terceros para investigaci—n y an‡lisis de la industria, perfil demogr‡fico y otros prop—sitos similares.


Informaci—n divulgada en conexi—n con transacciones comerciales. La informaci—n que recopilamos de nuestros usuarios, incluyendo PII, se considera un activo comercial. Por lo tanto, si somos adquiridos por un tercero como resultado de una transacci—n como una fusi—n, adquisici—n o venta de activos o si nuestros activos son adquiridos por un tercero en el caso de que cerremos el negocio o nos declaremos en bancarrota, algunos o todos nuestros activos, incluyendo su PII, pueden ser revelados o transferidos a un tercero adquirente en relaci—n con la transacci—n.

Informaci—n divulgada para protecci—n nuestra y de otros. Nosotros cooperamos con el gobierno, las autoridades de polic’a o con partes privadas para cumplir y hacer cumplir la ley. Podemos revelar cualquier informaci—n sobre usted, incluyendo PII, a funcionarios del gobierno, autoridades de polic’a o entidades privadas si a nuestro juicio, consideramos necesario o apropiado: (i) responder a reclamos, procesos legales (incluyendo citaciones); (Ii) proteger nuestros bienes, derechos y seguridad y los bienes, derechos y seguridad de un tercero o del pœblico en general; y (iii) detener cualquier actividad que consideremos ilegal, antiŽtica o que pudiera resultar en un proceso judicial.

Informaci—n compartida con su consentimiento. Podemos compartir informaci—n sobre usted, incluyendo PII, cuando usted da su consentimiento para compartir dicha informaci—n incluyendo, sin limitaci—n, cuando nos concede ciertos permisos, cuando se registra en una cuenta Juvo o descarga, instala o usa una aplicaci—n Juvo.

Sus Opciones

Le ofrecemos opciones relacionadas con la recopilaci—n, uso y repartici—n de su PII y respetaremos las opciones que usted tome. Tenga en cuenta que si decide no proporcionarnos la PII que solicitamos, es posible que no pueda acceder a todas las funciones de los Servicios.

Modificaci—n de su informaci—n. Puede acceder y modificar la PII asociada a su cuenta Juvo actualizando su perfil en la aplicaci—n Juvo. Es posible que no aceptemos una solicitud de cambio de informaci—n si creemos que el cambio violar’a cualquier ley o requisito legal o har‡ que la informaci—n sea incorrecta. Si desea que suprima su PII y su cuenta Juvo, por favor cont‡ctenos a privacypolicy@juvo.com con su solicitud. Tomaremos medidas para eliminar su informaci—n tan pronto como podamos, pero es posible que se mantenga alguna informaci—n en copias archivadas o copias de seguridad para nuestros archivos o como sea requerido por la ley.

Respuesta a se–ales de ÒNo seguimiento.Ó

Los Servicios no tienen la capacidad de responder a las se–ales de ÒNo seguimientoÓ recibidas de varios navegadores de internet.

Seguridad de su Informaci—n

Nosotros tomamos medidas administrativas, f’sicas y electr—nicas razonables dise–adas para proteger la informaci—n que recopilamos de usted, incluyendo su PII, del acceso, uso o divulgaci—n no autorizados. Tenga en cuenta, sin embargo, que ningœn mŽtodo de transmisi—n de informaci—n a travŽs de Internet o almacenamiento de informaci—n es completamente seguro. En consecuencia, no podemos garantizar la seguridad absoluta de ninguna informaci—n.


Enlaces a otros sitios

Nuestros servicios pueden contener enlaces a aplicaciones, sitios web y servicios que son propiedad de terceros o son operados por ellos ("Servicio de Terceros"). Cualquier informaci—n que proporcione a un Servicio de Terceros o que sea recopilada por un Servicio de Terceros se proporciona directamente al propietario u operador del Servicio de Terceros y est‡ sujeta a la pol’tica de privacidad del propietario u operador. No somos responsables por las pol’ticas y pr‡cticas de contenido, privacidad o seguridad de ningœn Servicio de Terceros. Para proteger su informaci—n, le recomendamos que revise cuidadosamente las pol’ticas de privacidad de todos los Servicios de Terceros a los que obtiene acceso.

Transferencia internacional

Su PII puede ser transferida y mantenida en computadoras ubicadas fuera de su estado, provincia, pa’s u otra jurisdicci—n gubernamental donde las leyes de privacidad pueden no ser tan protectoras como las de su jurisdicci—n. Si est‡ localizado fuera de los Estados Unidos y decide proporcionar su PII, podemos transferir su PII a los Estados Unidos y procesarlo all’.

Nuestra pol’tica hacia los ni–os

Nuestros Servicios no est‡n dirigidos a ni–os menores de 13 a–os y no recolectamos a sabiendas PII de ni–os menores de 13 a–os. Si nos enteramos que hemos recopilado PII de un ni–o menor de 13 a–os, tomaremos medidas para eliminar dicha informaci—n de nuestros archivos tan pronto como sea posible.

Sus derechos de privacidad en California

Los residentes en California pueden solicitar y obtener de nosotros, una vez al a–o, de forma gratuita, si existiera una lista de terceros, a los que hemos divulgado sus IPI con fines de mercadeo directo durante el a–o civil anterior y las categor’as de PII compartidas con esos terceros. Si usted es residente de California y desea obtener esa informaci—n, env’e su solicitud envi‡ndonos un correo electr—nico a privacypolicy@juvo.com con "California Privacy Rights" en la l’nea de asunto o escribiŽndonos a 98 Battery Street, Suite 400 , San Francisco, CA 94111.


Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre nuestra Pol’tica de Privacidad, p—ngase en contacto con nosotros en privacypolicy@juvo.com.



Term and Conditions Recarga Internacional Movistar Digital Channels and End User License Agreement



Please read the terms and conditions (hereinafter, the "terms and conditions") which are described below. These apply for the navigation of the Website www.recargas.movistar.com and the Recarga Internacional Movistar App (hereinafter, the "Digital Channels") and the Services offered on it.


Acceptance and knowledge of the terms and conditions

These terms and conditions are mandatory and binding. They apply to all activities carried out by the Digital Channels. The use of the Digital Channels implies knowledge and acceptance of them. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions, you must refrain from using the Digital Channels or services they offered.

For the purposes of the present terms and conditions, means "Customer" to the user of the Digital Channels owned by Telef—nica Latinoamerica Holding S.L.U. (hereinafter "TLH"), which use the Digital Channels.



Customers must be registered to make use of the Digital Channels. 

The registration of users is carried out at the App or the Website, and has no charge.

It is obligatory to complete the form in all fields with truthful, accurate and up-to-date information. Telef—nica Latinoamerica Holding S.L.U. may proceed to verify the identity of the Customer and/or data entered by him.

Telefonica LatinoamŽrica Holding S.L.U. is not responsible for the truth or accuracy of the data provided by the Customers. Likewise, Telef—nica Latinoamerica Holding S.L.U. reserves the right to temporarily or permanently suspend Customers in the event of failure to comply with the terms and conditions, as well as reject requests.

Customers may have access to their personal account (ÒMy AccountÓ) using their email address password or by using their Facebook account. In case this information is forgotten, Customer should click on the option Òforgot your passwordÓ and follow the detailed steps. System will send a confidential email to the registered account with the option to reset the password.

As well as TLH is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of the data provided by the Customers for their registration, Customers are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of their password. In accordance with what was expressed in the previous paragraph, Customers are responsible for the use that is made with their private key and should keep in mind that if other people have or may have access in the future to their mobile phone, they might also request your password. It is exclusive obligation of the Customer to take measures so that this does not happen. The Customer must notify immediately and in an irrefutable manner to TLH any unauthorized use of their user account, and to hold harmless in the event that is this cause any damage to TLH and/or third parties.


Customer notifications

Once the Customer creates an account on the Digital Channels and electronically accept the registration, Customers accept that TJL has the right to reach them by the Digital Channels, by telephone, by email and/or SMS and send information that the company consider important, in its sole discretion, that may be of interest to the Customer, including advertising and information about offers and promotions as well as other type of information that TLH consider sending to the Customer.

If Customers do not wish commercial information, and/or to receive alerts by e-mail or SMS may notify TLH, who shall stop such communications in the shortest time that possible.

The Customer has the right to unsubscribe to any of the services provided through the Digital Channels by the same means by which adhered.



Is required to have legal capacity to contract in order to use the Digital Channels.

If you are under 18 years of age, you must obtain a parent/guardian's consent prior to using the App/Website. If you are an employee of a company or other entity or are acting on behalf of a company, you must be authorized to enter into these Terms of Use on behalf of your employer.

The parents, guardians or responsible for minors or unable to use the Digital Channels will be responsible for such use, including any charges, billing, or damage arising out of it.


Sending Top-up and Cost

To send Top-up, you agree to comply with and undertake the provisions set out in this Section.

You will be required to input the mobile phone number to which any Top-up is to be credited into the appropriate space on the Digital Channels. It is Customer responsibility to ensure that Customer have correctly inputted the mobile phone number. Customer will then be required to select the amount of Top-up that wish to credit that mobile phone number with.

Before purchasing Top-up the total cost will be displayed before finalizing the purchase. Where an exchange rate has been applied, the actual amount that are charged may vary as TLH payment processors FX rate may be slightly different at the time of settlement.

The total amount (inclusive of all applicable taxes and charges) that Customer will be required to pay will be displayed clearly on the Digital Channels before Customer are asked to confirm the transaction and proceeding with the transaction at this point is entirely optional.

The Top-up is sent instantly to the appropriate mobile phone number upon successful payment by Customer. Occasionally, there may be a short delay before the relevant mobile operator applies the Top-up to the mobile phone number. TLH will send a confirmation email which contains details of the Top-up sent as soon as Top-up transaction has been successfully completed. Customer agree and understand that TLH only acts on Customer authorization to send Top-up and the relevant mobile operator shall be solely liable to Customer and the recipient of Top-up for the provision of mobile services related to the Top-up. Once the Top-up is sent to a mobile phone number, it can be used immediately therefore it cannot be refunded or removed from the phone. To stop this mistake from happening, TLH asks Customer to confirm that the number you have entered is correct.

Customer acknowledge that will lose the right to cancel the Top-up once the Top-up service has been fully performed by TLH. Accordingly, Customer will have no right to request a refund under the European Union (Consumer Information, Cancellation and Other Rights) Regulations 2013. Please note that the Digital Channels limits the number of Top-ups that can be performed or the maximum value of Top-up sent over a specific time period (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly). Other limits and exclusions related to the use of the Digital Channels may be applicable. Customer shall be notified through the Digital Channels or by email of these additional limitations, should they exist or come into existence.


Term and Conditions changes

The terms and conditions can be replaced or subject to change at any time and at the sole discretion of TLH, and Customers will not be required for consent. For transactions that started prior to these changes, will survive the conditions in force at the time of its conclusion, unless new amendments were more convenient for Customers.


Service interruption

TLH reserves the right to interrupt, suspend or modify at any time the services offered on the Digital Channels, whether on a permanent or temporary way. Agreement of the Customers will not be required, nor will it be necessary any notice.

However, as mentioned above, if the suspension or discontinuance referred were not for reasons of force majeure or unforeseen circumstances, TLH undertakes to meet the benefits that were pending at the time of the suspension or interruption.

TLH is not responsible for any damage that may occur on the computer and/or electronic devices of Customers or third parties as a result of the navigation in the Digital Channels.


Use of information and confidentiality

Subject to the terms of the Privacy Policy, and except to the extent that such disclosure is required under compulsion of law or pursuant to a direction or request issued by the Financial Regulator or other competent statutory or regulatory authority, TLH shall ensure that all your confidential personal data held by us in relation to this Agreement shall only be accessible to us, our agents or a company controlled by us and shall be processed or used by us for purposes and in a way compatible with the discharge of our obligation to you under the Agreement.

Customer shall ensure that all information obtained from TLH by Customer relating to Digital Channels operations, services, software, hardware and/or systems in connection with this Agreement shall be treated by Customer in strictest confidence and shall not be to any third party unless it is already in the public domain.


Accuracy of the information provided

Where the information or data supplied by the Customer are not true, Customer will be responsible for any damage that may be caused by this fact.


Comments and suggestions

All the suggestions and comments that make the Customer may be considered, implemented or adapted by TLH without this generate any right in favor of the Customer.



The Digital Channels can use a 'cookies' tracking system, so the access to the information is done more quickly. It also helps in some cases to identify Customers, without having to ask for the password again.

These cookies are small files sent by the App/Website visited and staying at the device, taking up little space.

Customers can limit or restrict according to their preference the accommodation of these "cookies" using their browser options, although it is not advisable to restrict them completely.

System may collect information about Customer preferences and interests. In the event that this occurs, the information will be used exclusively for statistics purposes to improve the services provided in the TLH Digital Channels. Procedures of dissociation of the information will be used so that the holders of the data are unidentifiable.


Availability and pricing of the products and services offered

Before purchasing, the Customer must take into consideration that products and/or services selected may not be in stock. Every purchase is subject to technical and/or geographical availability.



Payments may be made online using credit and debit cards.


Third party services and information

The Online Top-Up Service available on the Digital Channels is being provided by Juvo Mobile INC as applicable (ÒJuvoÓ). For more information about Juvo, please click on the following link www.juvo.com.

Where you purchase Top-Up using a credit or a debit card which was issued in the United States, your payment will be processed by Juvo Mobile INC with a registered office at 98 Battery Street, suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94111. All correspondence in relation to Juvo should be sent to that address or to support@recargasmovistar.zendesk.com.

Please note that certain issuing banks may charge an additional fee for processing payments for Online Top-Up transactions. These additional fees are not set or applied by TLH or Juvo and you are solely responsible for the payment of such fees. You may check with your bank to determine what if any fees are applicable to this transaction.

We will not check the accuracy or completeness of the information or the suitability or quality of the products and services of the third parties. You must make your own enquiries with the relevant third party supplier directly before relying on the third party information or entering into a transaction in relation to the third party products and services referred to on the Digital Channels.



Are strictly forbidden to Customers: a) send files or any type of information whose content is illegal, obscene, abusive, defamatory, libelous, or contrary to morality (this enumeration is merely descriptive); b) send files that contain a virus or any other characteristic able to damage the operation of a device, the Digital Channels or the system; c) use the Digital Channels to infringe any current standard; d) provide false information when registering or making a purchase, or any other time that any information or personal data is required; e) use programs, software or manual or automatic devices to monitor or copy the information or any content of the Digital Channels without prior consent of TLH.



TLH is not responsible for the accuracy of the information incorporated by third parties into the Digital Channels. Also, is not responsible for any communication with the Customers of the Digital Channels without prior verification by TLH.

If any Customer is affected by it information to which is alludes in the previous paragraph, must communicate it to TLH, by mail, to stop such communications.


Intellectual property. Reserved rights.

All rights of the Digital Channels are reserved and correspond to TLH.

The content of the Digital Channels, including but not limited to text, logos, graphics, and all design in general, as well as its database and software, is owned by TLH or has the right to use it under granted licenses for use and is protected by national and international legislation on intellectual property.

If Customer believes that Digital Channels violates or somehow infringe third party intellectual property rights shall notify TLH in the address indicated in these terms and conditions, with all the information and documentation that supports the above consideration.


Company information

The trade name of the company is TELEFîNICA LATINOAMERICA HOLDING S.L.U., with address in Ronda de la Comunicaci—n s/n Distrito C Edificio Central planta 3, Madrid, Espa–a. CIF N¼ B86584992.


Notifications and communications

All notifications or communications to be carried out by the use of the Digital Channels under these terms and conditions, may be made: (i) to Customer: by email to the email account registered by them, or letter document to the address stated in the registration form; by SMS to the number stated by the Customer, (ii) to TLH: at the legal address indicated in the previous point (Ronda de la Comunicaci—n s/n Distrito C Edificio Central planta 3, Madrid, Espa–a).


Advertising and links to other websites

When the Customer makes "click" in advertisements or links to third-party and enters other sites that do not belong to TLH, will be subject to the terms and conditions of those sites. The Customer must read carefully their political of access and use.

TLH does not guarantee the legality, topicality, quality or usefulness of the content, operation and information that may be communicated, reproduced and/or perform on linked third party sites nor the absence of harmfulness of such content or services, so the client disclaims all to TLH for the content included in referral sites or services that are offered or promoted.


Governing law

All relations established by us with you prior to this Agreement being entered into and this Agreement, are governed by and will be construed with the laws of Spain, and the courts of Spain shall have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any disputes in connection with them.



This end user license agreement ("AGREEMENT") is a contract between Telefonica Latinoamerica Holding S.L.U. ("COMPANY") and YOU, the individual user ("USER") who downloads, installs, accesses or uses Recarga Internacional (ÒLICENSED APPÓ). This is an agreement between you and COMPANY and not any other third party, subsidiary, or affiliate. By downloading, installing, accessing or using the licensed app, you accept these terms of service and acknowledge that you have read this agreement, understand it, and agree to be bound by its terms. If you do not agree to this End User License Agreement then you should not download, install, access or use the LICENSED APP and you are not granted rights to use the LICENSED APP.


During the term of this Agreement, COMPANY grants the USER (YOU) a limited, non-exclusive, personal and non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to download, install, access and use the LICENSED APP, including any updates, upgrades or other new features, functionality or enhancements to the LICENSED APP that COMPANY furnishes to the USER, solely: (a) on a mobile electronic device owned or controlled by USER, (b) in connection with the mobile or Internet-based services provided by COMPANY, (c) for USER'S own personal purposes, (d) fully in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, (e) fully in accordance with any applicable wireless service and/or third-party terms of service or usage restrictions. USER represents and warrants that USER is of legal age to form a binding contract. The LICENSED APP is not directed to children and children are not eligible to use the LICENSED APP.


The LICENSED APP may be accessed and used only by the USER in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. This Agreement does not allow for use of the LICENSED APP by anyone other than the USER. USER may not copy, modify, publish, distribute or transfer the LICENSED APP, or any copy thereof, in whole or in part. USER shall not reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, create derivative works based on, or translate the LICENSED APP, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code the LICENSED APP, or authorize any other third party to do any of the foregoing. USER is prohibited from developing, selling or distributing applications that are capable of launching, being launched from, or are otherwise integrated with, the LICENSED APP without the prior, express written consent of COMPANY.

USER may not rent, lease, loan, resell for profit, distribute, sublicense or use in a time-sharing or service bureau arrangement the LICENSED APP, or any part thereof. USER represents, warrants, and agrees that USER will not use or interact with the LICENSED APP in a manner that: (a) infringes or violates the intellectual property rights or any other rights of anyone else; (b) violates any law or regulation; (c) is harmful, fraudulent, deceptive, threatening, harassing, defamatory, obscene, or otherwise objectionable; (d) jeopardizes the security of USER'S or any other personÕs account (such as allowing someone else to log on as USER on the LICENSED APP); (e) attempts, in any manner, to obtain the password, account, or other security information from any other USER; or (f) copies or stores any significant portion of the content made available through the LICENSED APP. USER'S rights to access and use the LICENSED APP shall automatically terminate upon any violation of the foregoing restrictions.


The LICENSED APP is the property of COMPANY and/or its licensors, including Juvo Mobile, Inc. (ÒJUVOÓ), and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. The LICENSED APP is licensed, not sold, to USER for use only under the terms of this Agreement and all rights not expressly granted to USER are reserved by COMPANY and its licensors. USER will not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce, creative derivative works based on, or otherwise exploit any of the LICENSED APP.

Information embodied in or made available through the LICENSED APP includes the confidential information of COMPANY and/or its licensors, including JUVO. USER agrees not to disclose such confidential information to any third party. USER shall use at least the same degree of care that it uses to prevent the disclosure of its own confidential information of like importance to prevent the disclosure of COMPANYÕs and its licensorsÕ confidential information, but in no event less than reasonable care.  USER shall promptly notify COMPANY of any actual or suspected misuse or unauthorized disclosure of any confidential information pertaining to the LICENSED APP.

The COMPANY and USER agree that JUVO is an intended beneficiary of the terms of this Agreement, with the right to enforce such terms directly against USER, to the extent such terms pertain to JUVOÕs interests in the LICENSED APP or any associated intellectual property rights.


Neither COMPANY nor its licensors warrant that any features, information, images, descriptions or other content in the LICENSED APP are accurate, complete, reliable, updated, current, or error-free. USER agrees to notify COMPANY if USER becomes aware of any errors or inconsistencies in the information or content provided through the LICENSED APP and comply with any corrective action taken by COMPANY.

The LICENSED APP is provided to user "as is" and Òas available.Ó except as expressly provided under this agreement, company and its affiliates, agents and licensors cannot and do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the LICENSED APP. In addition, neither COMPANY nor its licensors provide any representation or warranty with respect to results obtained from use of the LICENSED APP. COMPANY expressly disclaims all warranties and representations, express, implied or statutory, including without limitation the implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. any material or data obtained through use of the LICENSED APP is at USER'S own discretion and risk, and USER understands that it will be solely responsible for any resulting damage, including but not limited to harm to user's computer system or mobile device or any loss of data. the laws of some jurisdictions do not permit waivers of certain warranties, so portions of the above disclaimer may not apply to the USER. In the event COMPANY cannot waive any warranty, the duration and scope of such warranty will be the minimum permitted under applicable law.


Neither COMPANY nor its affiliates, agents or licensors shall be liable to the USER or anyone else for special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages, including, without limitation, damages due to lost profits or business interruption, even if company, its affiliates, agents or licensors have been advised of the possibility of such loss or damages and whether or not such loss or damages is/are foreseeable and notwithstanding the failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy. the laws of some jurisdictions do not permit the disclaimer of liability for certain types of damages, so portions of the above may not apply to the USER.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, the USER agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless COMPANY and its officers, directors, employees, agents and licensors from and against all claims, actions liabilities, losses, expenses, damages and costs (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees) ("claims") that may at any time be incurred by any of them by reason of any claims, suits or proceedings arising from (i) the USER's use of the LICENSED APP, and/or (ii) any breach by user of any representation, warranty or obligation hereunder.


Certain of the names, logos, and other materials displayed on or by the LICENSED APP may constitute trademarks, tradenames, service marks or logos ("Marks") of COMPANY or other entities. USER is not authorized to use any such Marks. Ownership of all such Marks and the goodwill associated therewith remains with COMPANY or those other entities.


This Agreement shall continue in effect unless and until terminated by COMPANY and/or USER as set forth in this Agreement. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time by notice to the other party. In addition, USERÕs rights under this Agreement automatically terminate upon any material breach by USER.

Upon termination of this Agreement, USER shall have no right to access or use, in any way, the LICENSED APP and shall delete the LICENSED APP from USERÕS devices. Sections entitled Ownership and Confidentiality, Disclaimer of Warranties, and Limitation of Liability; Indemnification shall survive any termination of this Agreement.


COMPANY reserves the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the LICENSED APP or any service to which it connects, with or without notice and without liability to the USER.


By using the LICENSED APP and any associated COMPANY services, USER agrees to be bound by, and comply with, all applicable current laws and regulations, and as amended, as well as future laws and regulations. USER represents and warrants that USER is not: (a) located in a country that is subject to a U.S. government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. government as a Òterrorist supportingÓ country; nor (b) listed on any U.S. government list of prohibited or restricted parties, including, but not limited to, the Specially Designated Nationals List.


By using the LICENSED APP, USER agrees that:

COMPANY may collect, use and disclose certain information about USER pursuant to COMPANYÕS Privacy Policy located at: www.recargas.movistar.com and COMPANY may disclose information about USER to JUVO.


The LICENSED APP may not be downloaded or otherwise exported or re-exported: (i) into (or to a national or resident of) any country that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo or has been designated by the U.S. Government as a Òterrorist supportingÓ country; or (ii) to anyone on the U.S. Treasury DepartmentÕs list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Commerce DepartmentÕs Table of Deny Orders. By downloading or using the LICENSED APP or documentation, USER agrees to the foregoing and represents and warrants that USER: (a) Is not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any such country or on any such list, (b) Is not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties, and (c) Agrees to comply with all export laws and other applicable laws.


The LICENSED APP and documentation each were developed by private financing and constitute Òcommercial itemsÓ as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. ¤2.101. The LICENSED APP consists of Òcommercial computer softwareÓ and Òcommercial computer documentationÓ as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. ¤12.212. Consistent with applicable federal acquisition regulations, U.S. government users acquire only those rights in the LICENSED APP and documentation that are specifically provided by this Agreement.

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes the information collection and usage practices of Juvo Mobile Inc. (hereinafter referred to as ÒJuvoÓ, ÒweÓ, ÒusÓ or ÒourÓ). Juvo collects information about you when you apply for or sign up for a Juvo account (ÒJuvo AccountÓ), access or use web or mobile applications offered by Juvo (ÒJuvo AppsÓ) or web or mobile applications that use our technology that are offered by third parties (ÒThird Party AppsÓ); or otherwise interact with us (collectively, ÒServicesÓ).

By using the Services, you consent to our collection, use, disclosure, and retention of your information as described herein.

Revisions to this Privacy Policy

Any information that we collect via the Services is covered by our Privacy Policy in effect at the time such information is collected. We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make any material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you of those changes by posting them on this page or by sending you an email or other notification and we will update the ÒLast UpdatedÓ date above to indicate when those changes become effective.

Collection of Information

We collect information from and about users of the Services in the following ways:

á       directly from you when you use your Juvo Account or a Juvo App;

á       from parties that offer Third Party Apps and other parties who use Juvo technology and services;

á       automatically when you use the Services; and

á       from your mobile service provider.

The Services may be used by your mobile service provider in connection with their products and services.  As a result, information about you may be provided through the Services from a number of different sources Ð from you directly and from your mobile service provider or parties which use our technology and services, including for their Third Party Apps. This Privacy Policy does not apply to the information collection and usage practices of your mobile service provider or parties which use our technology and services.  Such collection and usage practices are independent of our collection and use of information via the Juvo Apps, Third Party Apps, or otherwise.

Information You Provide Directly to Us

We collect information you send to or through the Services, including information you provide when you create a Juvo Account or when you download, install or use a Juvo App.

Account Information. To be able to use some of the Services, you may be required to create a Juvo Account.  When you create a Juvo Account, weÕll collect personal information that can be used to identify you, such as your name, email address, postal address, a copy of your national identity card, bank account information, credit card information, and phone number (ÒPIIÓ). If you create a Juvo Account, we may also collect your gender, date of birth, IP address, location data, Facebook contacts and other information that is not considered PII because it cannot be used by itself to identify you.

Other Information. We collect information you provide when you download, use or install a Juvo App and when you use your Juvo Account to engage in payment transactions using the Services, participate in promotions offered by Juvo or our partners, respond to surveys available on the Services, or communicate with us.


Information We Collect Automatically Through the Use of the Services

We collect information about you in several different ways when you use the Services.

Information Collected Using Cookies and other Web Technologies. We use automated data collection tools such as Cookies and Web Beacons to collect certain information.

ÒCookiesÓ are small text files that are placed on your device by a Web server when you access our Services. We may use both session Cookies and persistent Cookies to identify that youÕve logged in to the Services and to tell us how and when you interact with our Services. We may also use Cookies to monitor aggregate usage and web traffic routing on our Services and to customize and improve our Services. Unlike persistent Cookies, session Cookies are deleted when you log off from the Services and close your browser. Although most browsers automatically accept Cookies, you can change your browser options to stop automatically accepting Cookies or to prompt you before accepting Cookies. Please note, however, that if you donÕt accept Cookies, you may not be able to access all portions or features of the Services. Some third-party services providers that we engage (including third-party advertisers) may also place their own Cookies on your device. Note that this Privacy Policy covers only our use of Cookies and does not include use of Cookies by such third parties.

ÒWeb BeaconsÓ (also known as Web bugs, pixel tags or clear GIFs) are tiny graphics with a unique identifier that may be included on our Services for several purposes, including to deliver or communicate with Cookies, to track and measure the performance of our Services, to monitor how many visitors view our Services, and to monitor the effectiveness of our advertising. Unlike Cookies, which are stored on the userÕs device, Web Beacons are typically embedded invisibly on web pages (or in an e-mail).

Use Information. Our servers automatically record certain information about how a person uses the Services (we refer to this information as ÒLog DataÓ). Log Data may include information such as your Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type, operating system, the web page you were visiting before accessing the Services, the features of the Services you used or browsed and the time spent on those features, search terms, the links on the Services that you clicked on and other statistics. We use Log Data to administer the Services and we analyze (and may engage third parties to analyze) Log Data to improve, customize and enhance our Services by expanding their features and functionality and tailoring them to the needs and preferences of users of the Services.

Device InformationWe collect certain information that your mobile device sends when you use the Services, such as a device identifier, user settings and the operating system of your device, as well as information about your use of our Services.

Location Information. When you use the Services, we may collect and store information about your location by converting your IP address into a rough geo-location or by accessing your mobile deviceÕs GPS coordinates or coarse location if you enable location services on your device. We may use location information to improve and personalize the Services for you. If you do not want us to collect location information, you may disable that feature on your mobile device.

Information We Obtain from Third Parties

When you use the Services, you may be asked to provide certain third parties with information and these parties may use automatic information collection technologies to collect information about you or your device. These third parties may include:

á       providers of Third Party Apps;

á       your mobile device manufacturer;

á       your mobile service provider; and

á       payment providers.

This information is provided to these third parties pursuant to your agreement with them and/or their applicable privacy policies. To the extent permitted by your agreement with the applicable third party, these third parties may share certain information about you with us.

These third parties may use tracking technologies to collect information about you when you use the Services. The information they collect may be associated with your personal information or they may collect information, including PII, about your online activities over time and across different websites, apps, and other online services websites. They may use this information to provide you with interest-based (behavioral) advertising or other targeted content.

We do not control these third parties or their use of tracking technologies. If you have any questions about an advertisement or other targeted content, you should contact the responsible provider directly.

Information from Other Sources

We also collect information about you from other third parties, including publicly available sources to administer your use of the Services (including your Juvo Account or Juvo App), and to enable you to enjoy and easily navigate the Services. By using the Services, you authorize and consent to our obtaining from, and our disclosure to, third parties, any information about you in connection with any fraud detection procedure, the servicing of third party accounts, or as may be required by applicable law. 

How We Use Information Provided to Us

We use information about you or that you provide to us, including PII, to:

á       provide you with the Services, and any other information, products or services that you request from us;

á       fulfill any other purpose for which you provide it, including processing or recording payment transactions;

á       provide services to your mobile service provider or parties which use our  technology and services, including for their Third Party Apps;

á       maintain and improve the Services, including to give you notices about the Services or your Juvo Account;

á       carry out our obligations and enforce our rights arising from any contracts entered into between you and us, including for billing and collection;

á       notify you if any updates or changes to the Services are available; and

á       for any other purpose disclosed to you in connection with the Services.

We may also use information about you to send you information, or to conduct surveys and collect feedback, about our Services and to communicate with you about products, services, contests, promotions, discounts, incentives, and rewards offered by us and our partners, based on your communications preferences and applicable law.

The usage information we collect helps us to improve the Services and to deliver a better and more personalized experience by enabling us to:

á       estimate our audience size and usage patterns;

á       store information about your preferences, allowing us to customize the Services according to your individual interests;

á       speed up your searches; and

á       recognize you when you use the Services.

Information that We Share with Third Parties

We may share information we have collected from or about you as described below:

Information Shared with Our Services Providers. We may share information, including PII, about you with third parties to provide, maintain and improve the Services, including service providers who access information about you to perform services on our behalf, as well as financial institutions, payment networks, payment card associations, and other parties in connection with the payment process.

Information Shared with Third Parties. We may share information, including PII, about you with third parties that run advertising campaigns, contests, special offers, or activities in connection with the Services. We may also share information about you with the providers of the Third Party Apps you use. In addition, we may share aggregated information and non-identifying information with third parties for industry research and analysis, demographic profiling and other similar purposes.

Information Disclosed in Connection with Business Transactions. Information that we collect from our users, including PII, is considered to be a business asset. Thus, if we are acquired by a third party as a result of a transaction such as a merger, acquisition or asset sale or if our assets are acquired by a third party in the event we go out of business or enter bankruptcy, some or all of our assets, including your PII, may be disclosed or transferred to a third party acquirer in connection with the transaction.

Information Disclosed for Our Protection and the Protection of Others. We cooperate with government and law enforcement officials or private parties to enforce and comply with the law. We may disclose any information about you, including PII, to government or law enforcement officials or private parties as we, in our sole discretion, believe necessary or appropriate: (i) to respond to claims, legal process (including subpoenas); (ii) to protect our property, rights and safety and the property, rights and safety of a third party or the public in general; and (iii) to stop any activity that we consider illegal, unethical or legally actionable activity.

Information Shared with Your Consent. We may share information about you, including PII, when you consent to our sharing of such information including, without limitation, when you grant us certain permissions when you sign up for a Juvo Account or download, install or use a Juvo App. 

Your Choices

We offer you choices regarding the collection, use and sharing of your PII and weÕll respect the choices you make. Please note that if you decide not to provide us with the PII that we request, you may not be able to access all of the features of the Services.

Modifying Your InformationYou can access and modify the PII associated with your Juvo Account by updating your profile in the Juvo App. We may not accommodate a request to change information if we believe the change would violate any law or legal requirement or cause the information to be incorrect. If you want us to delete your PII and your Juvo Account, please contact us at privacypolicy@juvo.comwith your request. WeÕll take steps to delete your information as soon we can, but some information may remain in archived/backup copies for our records or as otherwise required by law.

Responding to Do Not Track Signals

The Services do not have the capability to respond to ÒDo Not TrackÓ signals received from various web browsers.


The Security of Your Information

We take reasonable administrative, physical and electronic measures designed to protect the information that we collect from or about you, including your PII, from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. Please be aware, however, that no method of transmitting information over the Internet or storing information is completely secure. Accordingly, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of any information.


Links to Other Sites

Our Services may contain links to applications, websites and services that are owned or operated by third parties (each, a ÒThird-party ServiceÓ). Any information that you provide on or to a Third-party Service or that is collected by a Third-party Service is provided directly to the owner or operator of the Third-party Service and is subject to that ownerÕs or operatorÕs privacy policy. WeÕre not responsible for the content, privacy or security practices and policies of any Third-party Service. To protect your information we recommend that you carefully review the privacy policies of all Third-party Services that you access.


International Transfer

Your PII may be transferred to, and maintained on, computers located outside of your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the privacy laws may not be as protective as those in your jurisdiction. If youÕre located outside the United States and choose to provide your PII to us, we may transfer your PII to the United States and process it there.

Our Policy Toward Children

Our Services are not directed to children under 13 and we do not knowingly collect PII from children under 13. If we learn that we have collected PII of a child under 13 we will take steps to delete such information from our files as soon as possible.


Your California Privacy Rights

California residents may request and obtain from us, once a year, free of charge, a list of third parties, if any, to which we disclosed their PII for direct marketing purposes during the preceding calendar year and the categories of PII shared with those third parties. If you are a California resident and wish to obtain that information, please submit your request by sending us an email at privacypolicy@juvo.com with ÒCalifornia Privacy RightsÓ in the subject line or by writing to us at 98 Battery Street, Suite 400, San Francisco, CA 94111.


Please contact us at privacypolicy@juvo.com if you have any questions about our Privacy Policy.